Dec 12, 2022 | Blog
ScEEN in Kerry and Listowel Family Resource Centre would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, a Happy Holiday Season, and we look forward to seeing you all again in the New Year!
We have loads of fantastic plans already for next year so keep your eyes peeled here, on our Facebook or Instagram, or email to join our mailing list.
Our next meeting will be on February 1st 2023, see you there!
Nov 28, 2022 | Events, Previous Events
The next meeting of the Trans Kerry Support Group is on Friday December 9th at 6:30pm in Tralee.
Their last meet up of the year and it’s going to be a CRACKER! 
Just like the 5th birthday celebrations, this Christmas party is open to all new, present and past community members and facilitators.
Simply get in contact to be on the guest list! Contact them on
Facebook or
Instagram for more details and to confirm your attendance, or on 083-0188586/087-6050069.
(*Pre-registration appreciated to make sure we have enough food catering ordered for everyone! All costs covered.)
Please note: This is a safe space for members of the Trans Community, including non-binary, GNC & gender questioning identities over the age of 18.

This is a strictly no-alcohol event.

Nov 24, 2022 | Events, Previous Events
ScEEN in Kerry are having a Christmas party!
Kick off the festive season with a fun evening of chats, music, snacks!
The next ScEEN in Kerry evening will be our final meeting of the year, taking place on Wednesday 7th December from 6-7:30pm in KDYS Tralee.
This will be in the building on the left side of the courtyard on your way in, NOT in the usual cafe upstairs.
Hope to see you there!
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and we will be back again in the New Year!
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