‘Being Me’ Transgender Workshops with Dr Lisa Brinkmann – change of date
‘Being Me’ Transgender Workshops with Dr Lisa Brinkmann will take place on Saturday April 22nd 2023 in Tralee!
Dr Lisa Brinkmann is a Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist specialising in relationship and sex- and gender-related issues. She works from Clonakilty Natural Therapies in Co. Cork. From Ireland originally, she grew up in Germany, before returning in 2007.
From 1999 to 2004, she studied Clinical and Educational Psychology, as well as Sex Research and Forensic Psychiatry at the University of Hamburg. In 2007, she was awarded with a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology.
From 2004 to 2007, Lisa worked as a Clinical Psychologist at the Institute for Sex Research and Forensic Psychiatry at the University Hospital Hamburg. Since 2008, she practices privately as a Clinical Psychologist.
Lisa is a member of the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI), the German Psychological Association (BDI), and the German Society for Sex Research (DGfS). She is fully accredited by the Department for Health and Children to practice as a Clinical Psychologist in Ireland.
Coffee available from 10am.
10:30am-1pm: Open Workshop
This workshop is for trans/questioning young people, trans adults, family, friends, accredited counsellors, and health and social care professionals.
Lisa will talk about the initial stage of questioning one’s gender identity, what a typical journey looks like, feelings and acceptance, support from family and friends, and who/how to get support, realistic expectations about how long the journey can take.
1:45pm-3pm: Closed Workshop
This workshop is for members of the trans community and those questioning their gender identity over 18 years of age. It will give people a safe space to ask questions on their own journey, sharing of information and referral points.
These workshops are based on Dr Lisa Brinkmann’s work and will be informal and interactive.
Booking essential! Email daniel.quirke@listowelfrc.ie for the booking form.
BOOKING FEE: Workshop 1 is €10 pp.
A sliding scale/waiver is available to members of the community, family, friends, and facilitators of TransKerry, TransParenCI and Transformers.
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