About Us
Who WE Are
ScEEN in Kerry is passionate about LGBT+ grassroots activism and community involvement, we were founded August 16th 2019. ScEEN in Kerry, an LGBT+ Community group is a working group of Listowel Family Resource Centre and is partnered with KDYS and Social Inclusion Unit of HSE.
As the needs of LGBT+ people have changed so have we, responding to an evolving landscape across Co. Kerry as well as to changes to health and support needs. Our mission is to raise awareness of the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT+) people in Kerry and beyond, to advocate for their needs to the wider community. We do this by providing activities, programs and services that support, educate and inspire our members. Through this, we aim to empower community members; provide essential resources; advocate for LGBT+ rights; and embrace, promote and support the diversity of LGBT+ persons.

Our Mission
“ScEEN in Kerry develops a strong, sustainable LGBT+ virtual resource hub that promotes inclusion, equality and well-being. Our mission is to build a thriving network that creates healthy, vibrant LGBT+ communities living in rural and urban areas of Co. Kerry.”
Our Goal
We are committed to building a strong and cohesive LGBT+ community in Co. Kerry that is safe, free from prejudice, and thriving. We are passionate about what we do, ensuring that everyone who comes into contact with us has the best possible experience. Our passion for our cause is what drives us. As a committee we dedicate our skills, experience and time to improving the lives with and on behalf of LGBT+ people living in Kerry. A community where every LGBT+ person feels inspired and proud of who they are. Watch this space! Much more to come….

“I don’t feel so different anymore. I stand out from other people and I realise now that’s kind of a good thing. I’m more comfortable with myself now than I ever have before.”(…)“I felt liberated, it totally changed the way I felt about myself, I didn’t care about what people thought anymore.”

Our Values
To help guide us in our work and deal with the opportunities as well as the challenges ahead, we have collectively agreed on these four key values that underpin everything we do;
Guiding Principles / Statement of Values:
Our Work: The Work OF ScEEN In Kerry Will Be Guided And Informed By Our Beliefs And Commitment To Inclusiveness. We Respect People’s Values and Diversity and Are Committed to Equality
Participation: We Value And Recognise The Contribution Of Volunteers Within Organisations And The Community. Our Volunteers Amplify what we can achieve collectively. We also aim to Partner with Relevant Organisations and Bodies to Avoid duplication and strengthen resources.
Quality: We Strive For Excellence Through Continuous Improvement. We Dedicate Our Skills, Experience and Time To Improving The Lives of LGBT+ People Living in Kerry.
Openness: We Are Committed To A Culture Of Teamwork And Collaboration. A Commitment to Openness, Inclusion, And Partnership with Other LGBT+ Groups.
ScEEN In Kerry works to the following core principles
- Ensuring Equality & Diversity
- Empowering Community Participation
- Advocacy, Using Your Voice
- Build On Existing Community Spirit and Be Honest And Show Respect For All
- Develop A Greater Sense Of Pride and Belonging
- Have A Sense Of Place for LGBT+ people Living in Kerry
- Recognise And Value All People
- Acknowledge That Everybody Has Something To Offer